Dave Thomas has been providing sound IT consulting advice to SMBs for over 20 years. He is a certified Microsoft engineer and is dedicated to helping these same businesses weather the current storms with IT systems and data security.
Q: I am worried about the ever increasing IT threats to my business. What can I do as insurance in the event that my primary security fails?
A: There are a number of things that businesses can do to prepare for a significant IT security event.
Multiple data backup/restoration options: Having multiple data restoration options ensures that you will have more than one place to look when a disaster takes place. Local onsite data backups are crucial in that compromised systems and data need to be restored quickly. Off-site/Internet-based backups limit the amount of data that can be downloaded and restored so that you don’t choke their service provider’s Internet connection speed for their other customers. However, off-site backups are equally important in the event that there is a physical disaster in your office (fire, water, etc.) that renders your live data and local backups unusable.
Imaging software: There are multiple options of imaging software available for servers and desktops. Imaging software allows for taking a complete snapshot of your workstation or server’s current configuration, software and data at a given moment in time. This type of backup allows for a complete restoration of a desktop or server in minutes rather than hours or even days.
Written Disaster Recovery Plan: Create a detailed plan for what you will do in the event of an IT disaster. When disaster strikes you will need a plan that you can easily find and execute thereby minimizing down time. Such a plan should include a list of your IT vendor’s contact information and account numbers, locations of most recent backups and clearly defined steps for data restoration and a plan for securing temporary office space in the event of a total disaster. I95
Kenneally Technology Services